
**Sorry about the terrible quality photos in the post. I didn’t have my camera with me so these were taken with my phone. These photos were taken on a hike to Chedoke Falls just before classes started** 

It’s been just over a week since school started up again.


I’m going to try my best to pump out at least two posts a month, but that number will depend on how busy I get. New posts will most likely come out on a very irregular schedule and I’m truly sorry about.


In other related news… I may have taken too much onto my plate this year.


Student, CA (or in some schools they call it RA/residence don), varsity figure skater and volunteer. Those are just some of the names that I’ll have this semester.


It’s going to be a crazy year of running from class to volunteer to practice. I’ll probably be exhausted, stressed and frazzled.


I’m nervous, but I’m also excited to take on this cookie jar filled year. I’m nervous about my role as a CA and about balancing everything. But, I’m excited for all my classes, for getting to know my students and for helping others succeed in their goals.


My “New (academic) Year’s resolutions” start today. I’m not going to share them (they’re personal) but I encourage all you students out there (ahem. all my friends reading this) to set some goals for yourself and to work your heart out to achieve them.


Good luck to all of the students this year. We are all in it together and we will make it!

Credits: Zach

Please enjoy this GIF of my attitude towards school


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